Wednesday 20 January 2010

Blog Breakthrough

I think this is how I add to my blog. Try it anyway...
Am having a hard time deciding where to send my stories, (i.e. which magazines would like to look after them for a few months, then send them back). Bought some magazines, and read all the stories in them, but one was My Weekly, which is now apparently 'closed', for the 'foreseeable future' to persons like myself. This is a shame as one of my stories might have liked a spell with them ... (it enjoyed its recent sojourn at Womans Weekly, I think)
Have also been trying to work out whether stories currently entered in competitions can also be sent to magazines ... Can't find an answer to that, anywhere (but, then again, I couldn't find my own blog, again, all day today, so maybe it's me ...)
Went on the excellent Womagwriter blog again, and am coming to the conclusion that most people on it are proper writers, i.e. they regularly sell stories. Hope they don't mind my blundering around on it, looking at the info etc., which is all very useful and inspiring stuff.
Have to go and do the ponies, now, so no way I'm going to post anything off today (not with 10 mile drive to post office, as well).
Need to leave blog now - which is a shame as only just found it again ....
I wonder what will happen when I push the button ...? Hope it doesn't go somewhere it shouldn't ...

Friday 15 January 2010

I'm trying to post something on the above URL - but I think I may be confusing a blog with a forum? I just want to say how useful the URL is, to me, as I'm new to writing and new to blogging (although, sadly, old to life). I've sent some stories to magazines, and also entered a competition, which I won, to my great surprise. I've had some rejections, all saying my stories weren't right for the markets I chose. An abject lesson in the importance of research, if ever there was one.... I've been snowed in for 2 weeks, and unable to get out to buy magazines, but - as soon as I can - I'm going to apply myself properly to putting my feet up and reading them all .... In the meantime, the Womagwriter blog has been a real inspiration, and I wanted to say thank you for it to all concerned. I just wish I could get my head round the blogging principal, so that I could enjoy it more (e.g. I saw a passing reference to somewhere to send manuscripts, for critique - but I lost it again ...) I'm going to Publish this in a minute and see where it ends up. I'm sure that - to everyone else - this is as easy as falling off a blog - but I'm genuinely in the dark ....