Friday 15 January 2010

I'm trying to post something on the above URL - but I think I may be confusing a blog with a forum? I just want to say how useful the URL is, to me, as I'm new to writing and new to blogging (although, sadly, old to life). I've sent some stories to magazines, and also entered a competition, which I won, to my great surprise. I've had some rejections, all saying my stories weren't right for the markets I chose. An abject lesson in the importance of research, if ever there was one.... I've been snowed in for 2 weeks, and unable to get out to buy magazines, but - as soon as I can - I'm going to apply myself properly to putting my feet up and reading them all .... In the meantime, the Womagwriter blog has been a real inspiration, and I wanted to say thank you for it to all concerned. I just wish I could get my head round the blogging principal, so that I could enjoy it more (e.g. I saw a passing reference to somewhere to send manuscripts, for critique - but I lost it again ...) I'm going to Publish this in a minute and see where it ends up. I'm sure that - to everyone else - this is as easy as falling off a blog - but I'm genuinely in the dark ....


  1. Hi

    I saw your post at the womagwriter blogspot and I just wanted to tell you that yes, it appeared!

    First CONGRATULATIONS with winning a writing competition!! And yes the womagwriter is a great place for finding tips and helpful things on how to write.

    It took me a whole year to get to grips with blogging and even now my blog is still pretty untidy.

    I think a blog is like an open diary/a manual and a forum is a sort of debating site hosted by a main site.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that if you need any help with creating your blog or getting your blog up and running, please feel free to ask. I may not be able to help but I will try.

    Take care


  2. Hi

    I forgot to say that you can be a "follower" on the womagwriter site. Just go to their site, on the right column, under "Followers", click on the two tiny squares.

    A page to add your name will show up.

    Once you are a follower you will be automatically updated on any new posts on that site.

    Ok, I'll leave you alone now!

    take care


  3. Hi, thought I'd pop over and say hello on your blog too! Old Kitty's given some good advice above. The womagwriter blog was my second attempt at a blog, and the less said about the first attempt, the better. Good luck with your future subs to the mags. Keep trying and you'll get there!
